About Jocellyn


I Dream of Poutine is a lifestyle blog that isn’t afraid to be funny. It’s mostly classy, a touch uncouth, and decidedly unpretentious.

Well, as unpretentious as one can be when using words like “a touch” and “uncouth” and “decidedly”, or talking about leather-goods

and home-infused vodkas 😉

This is my place where I bring together the things in life that tickle my fancy.

Come for food and cooking.

Take a look through my closet.

See the wants and desires from my Pinterest page.

Brood along with me in my random musings that are borne out of angst and having a writing degree and being 22.

Bend and breath with the yoga.

Stay for the humor.

Nod and compliment my attempts at DIY.



22 thoughts on “About Jocellyn

  1. Hey, Jocellyn,

    I remembered your comment on my article “Sex, Lies, and Storytime” and thought I would reach out. I’m releasing a new segment of my blog’s “Taboo Tab” (http://shaunanagins.com/the-taboo-tab/) on the “Sex, Lies, and Storytime” theme, and was wondering if you would be interested in submitting something?

    I’m pretty picky with what I put up on the Taboo Tab, but you seem to have a really interesting perspective on things. I would be very interested in seeing what you would write on this subject.

    Anyways–take a look at the project, and let me know if you’re interested! I’m taking submissions into consideration until March 15th.

    • Wow! Thank you so much for remembering me. I’d be honored to submit something. I just finished reading the death and grieving stories and they were all so touching and strong. I hope I can do “sexy” taboos justice.

  2. Hi! First of all, compliments on your blog. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of/been previously nominated for a Liebster Award, but I would like to nominate your blog. Your posts are entertaining, and I would love to read your responses to my ten questions. Check out my latest post if you have the time/are up for the challenge!
    Thanks in advance,
    CaveGirl MBA

  3. I absolutely love your recipes and am excited to see what you post in the future. If you are interested, I would love to share one of your recipes on my blog by featuring you in one of my “Friends Feeding Friends” posts. Of course, I would credit you and link all of your information. If you think this is something you would like to be a part of, check out this link for the details. http://livelaughcooking.wordpress.com/friends-feeding-friends/ Hope to hear from you soon! Keep up the great work 🙂

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