Are you there spring? It’s me, Jocellyn

Gold Rope Necklace

Rumor has it Monday is supposed to be 70 degrees and sunny, but I’m a New Englander who has gone through this relentless winter and is skeptical of “so-called” weather reports.

If the claims are true then I’ll rejoice and drink a cocktail to celebrate the first, officially gorgeous day of spring. If they’re false then I’m walking into work, putting in my notice, and getting on a plane to the USVI, rent and student loan and car payments and responsibilities be damned!

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I Dream of Summer Fashion

Summer Fashion

By New England standards the last few days have been exceptionally balmy. To give you an idea, on Monday it was 25 degrees and I was upset that I had to drive to work that day because I would have much rather walked. Yes, we’re crazy for living here, but we suffer through these mad months for three glorious months of summer. However, at least four of those weeks are filled with rain….Enough with this math though!

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