Going nowhere fast

Who coined the term “going nowhere fast?” It’s a little clichéd, but when you feel like some aspect of your life is just stuck, but the calendar is flipping by, it starts to feel like a phrase penned just for you.

I’ve honestly felt that 2015 has been a year of “going nowhere fast”. My job wasn’t something I was passionate about anymore. Hell, I didn’t even really like it most days, and I had to will myself out of bed. Sometimes I took personal days when I couldn’t. Sometimes I drank the work-week nights away. One moment I was slurping down a Gin & Tonic. The next it was 3am and I was in a bed- thankfully mine- usually with a plate of food next to me and no recollection of how I got back or what I hit my shoulder on.

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A (Sun)Day in the Life of Jocellyn Harvey

Brunch at Sneakers

After one of the coldest winters in recent history, today’s deliciously balmy 34 degree weather was much appreciated. Compared to the months of needing one to avoid frost bite on the ears, today a hat was only necessary for fashionable purposes. People meandered down the sidewalks instead of scuttling into stores simply to stay warm. Why, we all walked with our heads held high, necks no longer needing to bend in order to protect our faces from biting winds. Rumor even has it our seasonal patience grew three sizes this day 😉

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A Weekend Seasoning my Cast Iron Pan

Cast iron pan to season

Because I’m a Pisces I’m a little bit of everything. I’m a loner; I’m a social butterfly; I’m quiet; I’m obnoxiously loud; I’m a lover; I’m a grudge holder; Etc; Etc; Some might find the duality exhausting, but I like being able to turn off one side and snuggle up to another without feeling much shame or guilt. In the words of Lady Gaga: Baby, I was born this way.

This weekend I’m dancing with my drawn in side, which actually happens quite often. But really it’s the perfect weekend to be a shut in: my roommate is visiting home and the weather is cloudy and, I imagine, a bit cold. So, not wanting to let a good “stay-in” day go to waste, I’m going to use my time inside to season my “new” cast iron.

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My Summer: By Way of Instagram

This summer I’ve been noticeably absent from I Dream of Poutine. In my defense I think that a lot of bloggers, especially those who don’t make a significant amount of their income from their web musings, step back from their sites to enjoy the Vitamin D.

For a moment I felt bad about it, but we only get so many months of warmth in New England, thus I wanted to take full advantage of these beautiful months.

So, to make up for being away, here are some of my favorite Instagram photos from the summer. The majority were taken from my iPhone, as I didn’t want to take my Canon to the hot beach. The apps VSCO and Mextures help give my photos that great look. Hang in for the long ride!


This is my favorite antique shop: Barge Canal Market. It’s filled with amazing pieces, though most are fitted for those with a $100K+ income who’re looking to furnish their loft with Eames-like chairs and ‘60s retro looks. Still, I love poking around.

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Photos around Burlington

My life has been a little fun, a little wild, a little crazy, and a bit all over the place, this summer. It’s been filled with delicious cocktails, a few stumbling nights, a busy work schedule, and loads of time spent on the Burlington shores of Lake Champlain.

This doesn’t leave much time or energy for writing, but, baby, when the weather is this good it’s hard to stay hunched over the laptop 😉

Photos within!

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The Importance of Blood Donation

A slight departure from my usual posts about food, clothing, and cocktails…

blood donor

There are so many aspects I love about working for my company (Dealer.com), but one thing I love the most is how easy it is to get involved and give back in many different ways. For example, a few months back employees could sign up to become a bone marrow donor. I was hesitant (especially after seeing the movie Seven Pounds), but after an employee who donated explained the real process I signed up! I haven’t been asked to be a Match, but I’m ready when the e-mail comes.

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Gin & Tonics, Jiggly Exploration, and Naps: My Trip to Montreal

Montreal Condo Decor

I’m a huge proponent of alone time. Maybe it’s the Pisces in me that enjoys being both an introvert and an extrovert, but as much as I love schmoozing with people I enjoying being alone and wearing my bulky green robe the most. While I wanted to take a friend up with me to Montreal for Memorial Day Weekend, I’m glad no one was available, because I was able to do what I wanted when I wanted; a perfect way to recharge.

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A Trip to Montreal

My family was never big on Memorial Day Weekend. We didn’t go to the parade, and depending on New England’s finicky weather sometimes the pool was open and sometimes it had to wait a little longer.

Because I’m not naturally tuned into this 3-day weekend, I forgot about it until the last minute. Since I have no large amounts of money to take a long vacation (and I’m not sure where I would go anyway), it seemed like a great time to utilize my Godfather’s condo in Montreal. Here are some pics from an earlier trip wayyy back in 2012 right after I turned 21.

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The Common Cold


In a perfect world I’d be drinking an organic green juice and using a homemade syrup remedy to combat the ickies.

Of course in a perfect world the common cold would not exist, so….

sniffle and wheeze Love,